A-Z Woman of Value Mindset Journal


A 26 part Mindset Journal created to challenge and encourage you as a woman of value!

As a woman of value we often need to be reminded of who we are and what we have in our hands to be able to live our truest potential in life and business. The Women of Value A -Z E-Book is a heartfelt guide crafted to empower and inspire women on their journey to self-worth. Through each letter, it champions women to embrace their strength, recognise their priceless value, and walk confidently along their journey.

By Maree Cutler Naroba.

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I wrote this journal with you in mind!

As women, we need to press in over and over to know we are highly esteemed and of value, and are of worth that has no earthly price – we are valuable, full stop!

Life has many twists and turns, as many of you I know will be able to attest to. The storms of life – from heartache, grief, loss, breakup and more can tear our worth down and erode our self-esteem and confidence. As women we are quick to put ourselves down, to settle for less, to play small and to let others come and take our swimming lane over!

I don’t know whether this has been your story, but it has been mine. As a young girl and then an adult woman, the challenge of loving myself, taking care of myself, allowing myself to be first from time to time and esteeming myself has always been a challenge, but day by day, month by month, year by year I choose to keep taking those steps forward, putting my brave on as I like to say – because just like you – I am a WOMAN OF VALUE.

From my heart to yours, as you take time to read through this journal, a letter a day or a week or a month – whatever that may look like for you – my hope is each letter will inspire, champion, and uplift you in knowing your value. From a place of standing firm in our worth, we can climb the highest mountains, endure hard roads, and pioneer the impossible because we know who we are.

No more settling for small. No more not owning your swimming lane. No more shrinking from the front row.


With much love and hugs.
Maree Cutler Naroba