Maree Cutler Naroba


Maree Cutler Naroba


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Ministry Initiatives

ARISE Women in Business

(Formerly Deborah Business Education Hub)

The Deborah Conference was a boutique conference founded in 2016 by Maree Cutler-Naroba and Event managed by Nic Jones, Market Me Marketing. Its purpose was to inspire Christian Women Entrepreneurs to live a business life of passionate pursuit and purpose wrapped in His presence—modern-day Deborahs: awakening Christian Women Entrepreneurs to shift the course of history. Over a period of seven years (2017 to 2024), the Deborah Conference successfully ran annually either face-to-face across Australia (Adelaide, Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth) or online. It was also held in New Zealand as an amazing retreat in August 2024.

This conference was supplemented with resources and services provided through the Deborah Biz Education Hub with a particular focus on championing Kingdom women social entrepreneurs and pioneers (women starting and developing business, ministry and movement initiatives) that impact beyond today and leave a legacy across the nations for generations to come.

In late 2024, the Deborah Conference movement and the Deborah Business Education Hub combined to Arise Women in Business (AWIB), a rebrand with a renewed commitment to its Christian foundation, championing and educating women as they build businesses grounded in faith, service and transformation.

Vision and Impact of Arise Women in Business 

Arise Women in Business exists to activate women in their God-given purpose, equipping them to be kingdom-minded entrepreneurs who bring social and spiritual change. By providing Christ-centred resources, coaching support, biblical guidance and prayer, AWIB is committed to empowering and educating women to impact their communities and the nations, stewarding their gifts in ways that honour God and advance His kingdom. Through AWIB, women are called to awaken and arise to serve and create lasting change through their unique contributions in business and beyond.

“Ask of me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession”. Psalm 2:8

Arise Women in Business Coaching Sessions

  • Offering personalised, biblically grounded coaching sessions that guide women through the unique challenges of building a business, ministry or social movement.
  • Coaching focuses on strategic planning that is aligned with God’s purposes, leadership through service, spiritual resilience, and creating a legacy of faith in business and ministry.
  • Coaches use a trauma-informed and culturally sensitive approach, encouraging each participant to build in a way that honours their unique values, strengths and community context.

Here’s an expanded look at the AWIB offerings:

Arise Women in Business Forums and Workshops
  • These gatherings inspire, educate and equip women to build their businesses on biblical principles, fostering personal growth and kingdom impact.
  • In-person and online events feature Christian speakers, interactive workshops and sessions that blend practical business skills with spiritual growth and social transformation principles. 
  • Topics covered include stewardship, faith-based leadership, business planning and using business as a ministry and a tool for social transformation.
  • For Christian women at all stages of business and ministry who feel called to integrate their faith with their entrepreneurial and ministry journey and create social and economic change for God’s glory.
Arise Women in Business Chapters
  • These chapters serve as local Christian communities, especially for marginalised women living in remote and rural areas. They support women as they respond to God’s call in business.
  • Each chapter provides a Christ-centred space where women can share testimonies, receive prayer support and work together to address local needs.
  • Members gain mentorship, faith-based training and resources to help them grow businesses that serve their communities and advance God’s kingdom.
Arise Women in Business Resources Suite
  • The resources suite offers a range of biblically grounded materials and courses designed to support Christian women entrepreneurs who use business as a vehicle for social and economic transformation. 

  • Resources Include:

    • Guides on topics such as faith-based business planning, time stewardship and community impact.

    • Scriptural Business Plans that help women map out their vision, values and goals in alignment with God’s word.

    • Prayer and Devotional materials focus on areas such as seeking God’s guidance, perseverance in business, and growing in faith as a leader.

    • Templates and Checklists for everyday business tasks that incorporate both practical and spiritual elements.

Barnabas Legacy Children’s Dream Foundation

Incorporating agape star christian school

My husband (Tevita) and I co-founded Agape Star Christian School (ASCS)  in 2022 under the umbrella of the Ugandan-based and registered charity Barnabas Legacy Children’s Dream Foundation, of which I (Maree) am the current Board Chair. I first connected with this charity in 2020, when I helped establish an Arise Women in Business Chapter (Katunda), where women participate in micro-business projects of farming, sewing, crafting and baking. 

ASCS aims to provide quality education, spiritual guidance and essential resources to children living in the rural villages of the Buikwe District, Jinja, Uganda, who might otherwise be marginalised. By fostering a supportive community, we empower these children to realise their full potential and become Godly leaders who will positively impact their communities, nation, and nations.

Together, we can make a lasting difference and build a brighter future both women and children – for God’s love compels us. 

Learn more at the links below.


Maree Cutler-Naroba

Business Consultant, Coach and Strategist

Entrepreneur Educator

PhD Candidate, Masters of Law, LLB (Hons), Dip. Teaching (Secondary), BCA, Cert IV Career Development, Cert IV TAE

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