Arise Women in Business Card Deck


This 24 Card ARISE Women in Business Deck is based on Maree’s Book Arise: Awakening Christian Women Entrepreneurs to Shift the Course of History. These cards are design to encourage, empower and champion you as a Christian woman with a unique calling to embrace entrepreneurship as a God-given mandate to create positive social and economic change. Be inspired to step into your divine purpose boldly and confidently, leveraging businesses as platforms for influence, transformation and spiritual impact.

The cards are based on the life of Deborah in the Bible (Judges 5) and include cards to encourage you on to become a Mighty Deborah, and cards that guide you on how to carry out this mandate to ARISE.

We recommend you ponder one card each day, pray and ask the Lord to guide you into your calling as a mighty Deborah. Journal your thoughts and how you can implement into your daily activities and Business thought process and planning. Incremental change is the best, embedding new knowledge and empowering you to move toward your best life.

By Maree Cutler Naroba.