Arise The Call to Pioneer: Lessons from Nehemiah Workbook


This comprehensive 41 page Arise: The Call to Pioneer: Lessons from Nehemiah Workbook is designed to help you as you pioneer and build a business that aligns with God’s will and purposes. 

The journey of entrepreneurship, especially for Christian women, is one of faith, courage and vision. In this Workbook, we will take a whistle stop tour through the book of Nehemiah, drawing practical lessons from his pioneering work. Each chapter highlights key principles for navigating the entrepreneurial journey with God as your guide. You will also find reflection questions and action steps to help you apply these lessons to your business, ministry, or movement.

INCLUDES BONUS Resource Section including a Prayer Guide for Entrepreneurs, Scriptures for encouragement, a Journal template for tracking progress, vision and goal setting pages, and so much more. 

By Maree Cutler Naroba.

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